Stories from our students

ÃÛÌÒ´«Ãºmv students share their experiences of living and studying at Lancaster.

Two students laughing in Lancaster Castle cafe

Latest stories

  • My 9-5 as a uni student

    From lectures to field trips and eating out on campus, discover what your day to day could include at Lancaster through student Lyea's experience.

  • Finding a part-time job at Lancaster

    Looking to find part-time work as a student? Michael shares his tips and experience to help you with your job search.

  • Building my professional experience alongside my studies

    Lyea shares her experience of building her professional experience and skills and how she manages her time.

Starting at University

  • What (and what not) to pack for University

    Packing for university is one of those events where you don¡¯t quite know where to start. Do you need a toaster? How much stuff can you actually fit in your room? Maria will let you know.

  • Making a home away from home

    One of the most stressful things about going to university is leaving home and the environment where you feel safe and secure. It¡¯s really important to make your new home as comfortable as possible and make it feel like your space.

  • Why I chose Lancaster

    Mia talks about why she chose Lancaster.

  • Starting studying at Lancaster

    Catherine answers some of your questions to help you find out everything you want to know and decide if Lancaster is the place for you!

Life on campus

Let our students tell you about their favourite places and things to do on Campus.

  • My favourite spots on campus

    Michael shares his recommendations for places to visit across campus including social spaces, places to eat out and study spaces.

A group photo of Digital Ambassadors

Meet our Student Content Creators

Every year we recruit new ambassadors to help tell the stories of their lives at Lancaster. They range from newly arrived freshers to postgraduate students in their fourth year at Lancaster and come from all over the globe.

Meet our 2024 Creators