Business and Enterprise

Business and Enterprise

GISMO logo

Greater Innovation for Smarter Materials Optimisation (GISMO)

Over 250 innovative SMEs in Cheshire and Warrington will benefit from the £4.4 million Greater Innovation for Smarter Materials Optimisation (GISMO) programme, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. GISMO provides cutting-edge ideas and solutions to put your business ahead of the curve in the use, design and manufacture of materials. Use it to improve the performance of surfaces and coatings, chemicals and chemistry in your products and processes, and to develop your capabilities in additive manufacturing.

GISMO gives you fully funded access to the materials science experts at ÃÛÌÒ´«Ãºmv who will help you to:

  • Find new materials for your products
  • Test and develop your products, processes and business ideas
  • Trial new technologies and processes
  • Develop and build prototypes
  • Understand developments in materials science

If you want to put your ideas, materials, products and processes to the test, contact us to find out more about the project:

NextGenChem logo


Co-designed between ÃÛÌÒ´«Ãºmv and Yordas Group, the NextGenChem programme will enable 300 Lancashire chemical-using SMEs to innovate using ¡®next generation’ chemistry. Through a blend of targeted workshop activities focused around innovative synthesis, formulation and chemical process development, and bespoke technical and analytical research and development support, the programme will lead to the creation of new and improved products and processes.

The funding from this programme will also expand the capacity of ÃÛÌÒ´«Ãºmv to engage with businesses on research and development through its cTAP facility by supporting the acquisition of new analytical equipment such as a catalyst assessment rig, a robotics automation platform, a kilo lab, and equipment suits.

To find out more contact Helen Atherton, Next Generation Chemistry Programme Manager:


ERDF and Northern Powerhouse logos

Fully Funded For Eligible SMEs

These programmes are fully funded for eligible SMEs, as they are part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and ÃÛÌÒ´«Ãºmv.

Contact our project teams to find out more about eligibility.

Virtual Tour

Virtual Tour

Take a virtual tour and have look inside! Click below to view our 360-degree film of cTAP.

We recommend this film is viewed on a tablet, mobile or one of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Safari.

Case Studies


Martin Gilmore

Martin Gilmore

Head of Partnerships and Business Engagement for Physical Sciences

B035, B - Floor, Science and Technology