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Undergraduate Engineering Degrees

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Engineers help build the future, extend scientific progress and improve global economies. Our mission is to develop forward-thinking innovators who are able to overcome challenging problems using teamwork, originality and rigorous scientific acumen.


Tom Millen Engineering Scholarship

A generous donation from the family of Tom Millen will enable an outstanding Engineering student from a disadvantaged background to benefit from an annual bursary of ?3,000.

This award is in memory of Tom Millen, who served as Superintendent of Laboratories and Workshops in the School of Engineering at ÃÛÌÒ´«Ãºmv. He began working for the School in 1969 and retired in 1977.

Each year, a ?3,000 bursary will be offered to support one Engineering student from a disadvantaged background who has performed at a high academic level at the start of their studies at Lancaster. It will be awarded to the first-year student during their second year who meets the following criteria:

  • The recipient must be a home fee-paying student.
  • The recipient must be from a disadvantaged background.
  • The recipient must pass all modules in the academic year on the first attempt and achieve the highest overall aggregate score from all modules (with a minimum of 17.5).

The bursary will be given in three ?1,000 instalments over the course of the academic year. You do not need to apply for the scholarship - the selection process is internal.