Research at ÃÛÌÒ´«Ãºmv


This annexe to Physics houses a suite of 3 laboratories where vibration, noise and electromagnetic disturbance have been drastically reduced, creating an "ultra-clean" environment for measurement and characterisation.

IsoLab has been designed to provide the most advanced environments for studying quantum systems in controlled conditions. The build has been made possible by generous donations from the Wolfson Foundation, the J.P. Moulton Charitable Foundation and the Garfield Weston Foundation, and an award from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.

The building sits on its own massive concrete foundation, with three above-ground laboratories each contained in their own separate pod. In the basement of each pod sits a 50-ton concrete isolation block, accessible through a removable floor. Pod interiors are lined with material to shield acoustic and electromagnetic disturbance.

You can explore how some of the most sensitive experiments in the world are performed with hands-on activities and working demos. Come and join us to try these and other interactive exhibits and learn about one of the quietest places on Earth.

The Art of Isolation

Pod 1: Nano-imaging and microscopy

Used for atomic and molecular imaging studies, pushing the boundaries of ultra-high resolution force imaging and measurement with atomic and molecular resolution far beyond current limits.

Pod 2: Quantum Optics

Used to explore and exploit the quantum-mechanical behaviour of light and its interaction with optical devices, materials and components.

Pod 3: Ultra-low Temperatures

Used to probe systems and devices at the extremes of low temperature, where the agitating effects of thermal noise can be ignored and the underlying quantum properties of matter shine through.

How it Works

The scientists involved worked closely with the architects and builders to create a facility where isolation and quiet have been designed in from the start, and through every stage of the construction. Each pod is adaptable for future customisation, depending on use.

Professor George Pickett explains in this presentation the origins and design of the IsoLab.

On-going Research

Key Contacts

An Introduction to IsoLab

Dr Jon Prance explains what makes IsoLab such a special facility, and how it allows Lancaster to push the boundaries of physics.