Offers for Teaching Professionals

Commercial Awareness for Knowledge Exchange

If your teaching programme involves some element of Knowledge Exchange ¨C e.g. a company consulting project or a period of placement or internship ¨C then you may be interested in CAKE. This is a simple introduction to the Business Model Canvas to aid your students’ understanding of the business model of the host organisation. This short intervention can be tailored to your students’ needs but will enhance their ability to recognise the value that their work will deliver to the client, to approach the work with sustainability in mind, and to help them to reflect on their work when it comes to writing up the post-KE coursework.

Typically we run these events for students at Faculty level but departmental and course-specific interventions can be delivered if this is of interest. See more and get in touch if you’d like to know more.

Teaching Innovation

Enterprise Education has great potential to contribute to our teaching professionals’ evidence of curricular development in support of the University’s Teaching Excellence Framework submission. The latest for UK HE providers of Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Education highlights the opportunities to demonstrate enhanced ¡®Student Outcomes and Learning Gain’ in the TEF. We anticipate an increase in demand for educational programmes which offer opportunities to deliver curricular learning outcomes alongside the development entrepreneurial problem-solving capabilities in support of graduate employability.

If you are reviewing a course or module and would be interested in embedding more innovation and enterprise practices or content, we’re very happy to explore this with you.

EEUK Membership

The Enterprise Team is a member of , the national network for enterprise educators, which supports CPD and government lobbying and policy development. Membership grants staff members at ÃÛÌÒ´«Ãºmv free attendance at EEUK networking and practice sharing and a discounted rate at (International Enterprise Educators Conference) which runs annually in September.

If you’re interested in attending or presenting at any of the events, please let us know as there may be opportunities to pool or cover travel costs and arrangements.

Contact Us

For further information, please contact:

Simon Harrison Enterprise Programme Manager

+44 (0)1524 592584